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Jiang and Harry’s Round the World Ride – Episode 9


The Beauty and Sorrow of the Desert

I got up at 5:50 this morning. The wind blew outside the tent all night.


When I opened the tent, the weather had changed. The mountain on the opposite side is covered with rain clouds and it is raining, while the mountain on my side is still windy, and the sun from the east can still shine, but occasionally a few clouds will come to block the sun.


While there is still sunlight, quickly set up the Sungold solar panel and take the time to charge it. I started to pack my luggage, and suddenly found that the air pressure of the trailer’s wheels was a bit wrong. It was slowly leaking air. I took it down and checked and found that there were four or five places where the air was leaking.


When I fell into the wasteland, especially the thorny plant belt, the probability of the tire being punctured suddenly increased. , It was almost eleven o’clock when the tire was repaired and the luggage was collected. The rain clouds above the head flew by one by one, and the sun shone, and there was a rainbow looking up, which was magical and beautiful.




When starting out, all the way uphill, downhill, riding against the wind is like sailing against the current. On a long, wild road with a great view, the rain intensified. I was drenched in the rain, hungry and cold, but I could only grit my teeth and move forward. Finally arrived at a small shop, replenished the water source and continued on.


The scenery on the road today has many cactus trees and blooming flowers, which is wonderful. Because there were too many uphills, I only walked about 50 kilometers today. I arrived at the camp at 4 pm. I ate two tacos in the store. They were very delicious. I haven’t tasted the meat for many days. I plan to buy two more tomorrow morning. Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny with little rain.




Flexible solar panel from Sungold

Leaving Jesus Maria and continuing to the south, it is getting closer and closer to the El Biscaino Animal Sanctuary. Along the way, the cactus trees and thorny plants are gradually decreasing or even disappearing. Instead, there are many herbaceous plants on the vast land. I think the environment here may have changed, at least more water is needed to adapt to their growth. From a distance, it looks like a grazing grassland in Tibetan areas, where there are deer and some herbivorous wild animals.


We rode along the seaside again, and when we reached Highway 1 outside the reserve, a word HI suddenly came from the side. I turned my head and saw that there were two friends riding bicycles, a man and a woman. Their luggage was the same as mine, and they should be riding long distances. It’s just that we didn’t stop to talk, because there are only two lanes on Highway 1, and there are no auxiliary lanes for parking, which is very dangerous. They were faster than me, and at a junction they rode west to the sea, while I continued south….



Cute Harry



Picture of Sungold


Founded in 2008, Shenzhen Sungold Solar Co., Ltd. has always led the way with high-performance photovoltaic modules that can handle harsh environments.Sungold has developed a wide range of adapted products for RVs, yachts, outdoor applications, balcony systems and camping.

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