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What Can a 350W Solar Panel Run?


Table Of Contents

  • Is solar energy worth it?
  • How much electricity can solar panels produce?
  • The Cost of Solar Energy
  • How much power can a 350W solar panel produce?
  • How many amps are 350W solar panels?
  • What can I run on 350W solar panels?
  • How many 350W solar panels do I need for my home?
  • How do I calculate the size of solar panels I need?
  • 350W monocrystalline solar panel price
  • Final Thoughts

Solar panels are ideal for renewable energy. What appliances can 350W solar panels power? Let’s find out in this blog.

Is solar energy worth it?

As energy costs continue to rise, switching to solar energy can be a good investment.

Solar energy helps reduce the amount of electricity a home uses from the grid. This reduces both the electric bill as well as the home’s carbon footprint. Saving money on electricity is just one of the reasons why people switch to solar.

From this perspective, solar energy is both an investment in your home and a way to create sustainable energy that is good for the environment.

How much electricity can solar panels produce?

The amount of electricity that solar panels can produce depends on several factors, including but not limited to the size of the panels and the number of hours per day that they are exposed to the sun.
For example, the smallest solar panels can produce the least amount of electricity.

Larger-sized solar panels, on the other hand, can produce a large amount of energy for you to use as electricity. However, to be fully functional, solar panels of all sizes still need unimpeded access to sunlight.

In some cases, more energy output is needed to power important devices for longer periods. One is more likely to see more optimized solar panel system designs to meet these more energy-intensive needs.

In other words, more solar panels are needed to meet the power demand.

The Cost of Solar Energy

If your taxable income is higher than the federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), you are eligible for a 26% discount on your solar panel installation. You can learn about your local solar policy. This makes it slightly cheaper for you to pay for solar energy.

Of course, keep in mind that the cost depends on the number of solar panels you need and the size of your generator.

Twenty years ago, you had to pay a solar company to come to your home and install solar panels. Fortunately, this is no longer the case today.

With the advent of portable solar panels and generators, it has become as simple as finding a sunny spot in your yard and unfolding the lightweight and easy to maneuver solar panels.

Since many solar generators are designed to be portable, you can even load the unit into your van and take it with you to keep the power on during a weekend camping trip. An example is the Sungold Hi-Power series portable solar panels.

How much power can a 350W solar panel produce?

Under optimal conditions, the solar panel 350W generates an average of at least 2.45kWh of electricity per day. This is enough to power small and medium-sized appliances, such as simple lighting systems, laptops, and charging smartphones and tablets.
However, the actual output will vary depending on a number of factors such as temperature, geographical location and brand of solar panel.

Panel Type

The type of panel affects the amount of power a 350W solar panel can generate. As you know, there are three types of panels: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film panels. Monocrystalline is the most efficient of the three types because each photovoltaic cell is made from a single silicon crystal.

Polycrystalline is more efficient than thin-film silicon. PV cells are made from multiple silicon crystals, which reduces the output capacity. Thin-film panels are somewhat similar to polysilicon. However, they are made from multiple layers of photovoltaic material.


Another factor that may affect the output of a 350W solar panel is its efficiency. Most solar panels have efficiencies between 10% and 20%. Sungold Solar solar panels have an efficiency of 22.8%.

Simply put, efficiency is the amount of sunlight that a solar panel converts into electricity. Solar panels that are free of dust and high temperatures should have an efficiency of at least 10%. Therefore, to ensure optimal efficiency, consider cleaning your solar panels on a regular basis.

How many amps are 350W solar panels?

The current generated by Solar panels 350W depends on their operating voltage. Generally, solar panels operate at voltages between 12 and 48V. To calculate the current, use the following formula:
Amps (A) = Watts (W) / Volts (V)

Therefore, for a 12V solar panel, the amperage would be:
350 watts / 12 volts = 29.17 amps

If the voltage is 48V, the amperage would be:
350 watts / 48 volts = 7.29 amps

As you can see, the amperage will vary depending on the rated voltage. That said, most home solar panels are rated at 12V, so you can expect 29.17A.

Checking out this table can provide you with more information about solar panel wattages and how they relate to the factors that affect how much power a solar panel produces.

Solar Panel Wattage (Watts) Output at 5 hrs/day Output at 7 hrs/day
100 500 Watts 700 Watts
250 1.25 kWh 1.75 kWh
300 1.5 kWh 2.1 kWh
350 1.75 kWh 2.45 kWh
400 2 kWh 2.8 kWh
What Can 350W Solar Panels Run
What Can 350W Solar Panels Run?

What can I run on 350W solar panels?

To determine how much a 350W solar panel can run, we need to know the peak sunlight hours in a particular location and the size of the solar system. Therefore, based on the explanation, we get the following equation:
Power generation (Wh) = peak sunlight hours (h) x solar panel size (W)

Therefore, if your solar panels 350W receive 6 hours of sunlight, it will generate at least 2.1 kWh of electricity per day.
6 x 350W = 2.1 kWh

Therefore, the solar panel will produce 800 kWh of electricity per year. (2100 x 365)

The 350W solar panel is therefore ideal for running small devices such as laptops, TVs, juicers and coffee makers. The panels can be used for camping and other outdoor activities.

Sungold solar panel sizes and power can be customized. Whether you need portable solar panels or flexible solar panels or rigid solar panels. sungold solar panel suppliers have you covered.

In conclusion, to determine how much power your 350 watt solar panel can provide, you need to compare its daily output to the wattage requirements of your appliances.

As a result, your solar panel 350W will be able to power appliances with a power requirement of less than 2.1kWh. This means it can’t power a large refrigerator or washing machine, but it can run a coffee maker or juicer. Here are the wattages of common household appliances.

Device Volts Amps Watts
Incandescent Light Bulb 120 0.83 100
LED Light Bulb 120 0.5 60
Ceiling Fan 120 0.5 60
Phone Charger 120 0.5 60
Laptop Charger 120 0.5 60
Coffee Maker 120 5.5 660
Electric Kettle 120 13 1560
Microwave 120 5 600
Refrigerator 120 5 600
Dishwasher 120 10 1200
Food Processor 120 12 1440
55-inch LED TV 120 0.98 118
Home AC 240 15 3600
Gaming Console 100 3.5 350
Gaming Computer 120 5 600

How many 350W solar panels do I need for my home?

Now, the exact number of 350W solar panels you need depends on your energy needs. Let’s assume that your solar panels produce 2.1 kWh of electricity per day under ideal conditions.
Since peak sunlight hours are usually less than 4 hours, we can expect the output to be less (1.4 kWh).

As you might expect, power generation will peak in the middle of the day and taper off as night falls.
Therefore, you will need to install solar cells to take advantage of the increased power generation. Otherwise, you will be wasting a lot of solar energy.

You can get quality backup systems from reputed companies like Sungold Solar. Installing solar panels will not only help you make the most of the peak sunlight hours, but also keep your equipment running during power outages.

So, how many 350w monocrystalline solar panels do you need for your home?

According to recent figures, most American homes use up to 11,000 kWh of electricity. If you divide this annual energy consumption by the wattage of the solar panels multiplied by the peak hours of sunlight, you would need at least nine 350W solar panels to power your home.

However, as the size of your home decreases, so does the number of solar panels. For example, if you prefer RV living, you’ll need fewer solar panels.

The type and number of appliances will also affect the number of solar panels to be installed. If you have appliances that consume a lot of electricity, such as an air conditioner, you may need more 350w monocrystalline solar panels.

Typically, central air conditioners use around 3.5kWh of electricity per hour, which means that one solar panel will run for at least 8 hours.

In summary, you need to list all the appliances in your home to determine how many 350W solar panels to install. Keep in mind the starting and running power of the appliances.

Solar Panel Wattage (Watts) Daily Output Examples of Support Devices
100 700 Watts Lightbulbs, phone, tablet, and laptop chargers, ceiling fan
250 1.75 kWh Microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator, LED TV, gaming console/PC
300 2.1 kWh Electric kettle, food processor, dishwasher
350 2.45 kWh Home AC, electric stove
400 2.8 kWh Blow dryer

How do I calculate the size of solar panel I need?

While there are many online calculators that can help you estimate the size of solar panels you need, you can follow the steps below for a more accurate estimate:

Determine your monthly energy consumption

You can get this information from your monthly electric bill. If possible, add up your usage for the past 12 months and divide the total by 12. This will give you your average monthly electricity usage.

Determining Your Daily Electricity Usage

Now, take the monthly average and divide by 30. Since the average American household consumes 900kWh of electricity, you will use approximately 30kWh per day.

Consider peak daylight hours

As mentioned above, most of the United States has at least four hours of peak sunlight. Therefore, to calculate the size of your solar array, divide your daily electricity consumption by the number of peak sunlight hours.
30kWh / 4 = 7.5 (8kW solar array)

Keeping downgrades in mind

Let’s face it, like any other electronic device, solar panels have degradation rates and low efficiency. Most solar panels have a degradation rate of 0.8%. Therefore, your 350W solar panel will produce at least 280W of power at the end of its life cycle.

There are also inefficiencies such as weather patterns and obstacles to consider. As a result, the solar panel will produce less power than it is rated for. Therefore, we recommend purchasing solar panels that produce more power than required. Ideally, you should increase the power rating by 20%.

With these factors in mind, you can easily purchase the right size solar that will meet your energy needs.

350W solar electric panels

350W monocrystalline solar panel price

The price of a 350 Watt solar panel is determined solely by the manufacturer. Sungold Solar can offer you excellent value for money if you are looking for the most efficient module at the most competitive price.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

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Final Thoughts

The 350W solar panel is ideal for small to medium sized homes. It can power small appliances such as juicers, laptops, and coffee makers. The amount of power generated by a 350W solar panel depends on a variety of factors such as the panel type and geographic location.

The brand of the solar panel also plays a key role. If you want efficient solar panels, consider buying from Sungold Solar.

Picture of Sungold


Founded in 2008, Shenzhen Sungold Solar Co., Ltd. has always led the way with high-performance photovoltaic modules that can handle harsh environments.Sungold has developed a wide range of adapted products for RVs, yachts, outdoor applications, balcony systems and camping.

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